Friday, 28 March 2014

The prompt - week 11.

The Prompt for this week from the lovely Sara over at mumturnedmom is a phrase and it is:

That was unexpected…

This prompt is definitely the hardest for me to write so far as I am a planner so there is rarely anything unexpected happening in my life. In truth, I do not deal with the unexpected very well, I am a control freak! I plan every week, day by day, and I have lists of lists that cover every eventuality that I can possibly think of!

I suppose that one of the very few unexpected things in my life is actually my hobby of entering competitions. When I enter I never really expect to win so the few times that I have won have been completely unexpected but in a good way.

Over the last few years I have won an apple Ipad, two tickets to a musical in London, perfume sets, books, and a child's sofa bed. Since starting blogging I do not have much time to enter many competitions but I do enjoy the blogger competitions that are based on skill rather then just being picked from a hat and this year I have managed to win two so far. The first was on a post about Barney cakes which won me £100 John Lewis vouchers and the second was for a recipe made with eggs which won me £100 Asda vouchers.

I do love entering competitions as you never know what the postman may bring so I hope that once I am more organised with my blogging I will still manage to find some time to enter some competitions each week as you have to be in it to win it!


  1. I so envy your winnings. I have never ever won anything from those twitter and post competition yet.


  2. I never really enter competitions, but you seem to be doing rather well! I love that you've won ones that involve skill, that's brilliant, well done :) Thanks so much for linking with #ThePrompt x

    1. Thanks Sara - you should have a go, you never know your luck! :-)

  3. I recently entered and won a few competitions in the past few months. It is so exciting isn't it?! Especially as a SAHM, I feel like I am bringing something extra to the household. #theprompt

    1. Exactly, that is how I feel too. We are currently on a low income and the wins give us a bit of luxury that we would not be able to afford.

  4. I'm a planner too so rarely have unexpected experiences either! Well done on all your winnings, you've done so well!
