Wednesday, 12 March 2014

My Britmums live 2014 sponsorship plea!

Britmums live 2014 is a two day blogging conference in central London and it is currently the UK's biggest social media conference and blogger event.  Britmums Live has grown out of Britmums, the UK’s largest parent blogger community, made up of nearly 5,000 influential bloggers who create content about lifestyle, crafting, food, health, travel, education, tech, style and more.

I would love to attend the event to learn more about blogging and to meet fellow bloggers and I think that it would be a very exciting and worthwhile opportunity for my blog and myself.

I have been properly blogging since November 2013 and I have already built up an audience of over 500 followers on Twitter and the numbers keep rising each day. I am very involved in the blogging community taking part in various linkys and bloggers challenges, two of which I have recently won. I have been nominated in the best new blog category for the MAD's blogging awards and I have approximately 2,400 page views a month and again that number is constantly rising.

If you would like to sponsor me for either full or part costs of the event I am looking for £220 to cover the cost of my ticket, travel and accommodation costs.

In return I can offer the following package to the right sponsor.

* An introductory post on my blog detailing who you are and what you do.

* Representation at the conference during which I can wear a branded t-shirt or badge.
* Details of your company on the back of my business cards that I will be giving out during the conference.

* Your badge or logo in my side bar for 12 months.

* Product reviews or competitions (up to a total of 12)

* A further four blog posts about your company and products and any news that you would like to share with my readers throughout the year.

If you think that you may be able to help or have any questions then please do get in touch:

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