Thursday, 20 March 2014

My groovy update 13/03/14 - 19/03/14

This week has been a quiet week and although we have not been up to that much, it has still been a nice week.

On Thursday I returned to weight watchers and although the first week was not great, I did manage to loose 3.5lbs which I am pleased with. If you missed yesterdays post on this you can read it here.

On Friday Faith brought home her first proper school report which was fantastic. I was really nervous to open it as she has been having problems with concentrating at school and at the last parents evening I was informed that Faith was behind the class average. Now as a mum I wanted to dispute that fact straight away as Faith always seemed really bright at home but then I thought that maybe I was being biased as Faiths mum so I didn't say anything else.

Well the report showed that Faith was completely on target and she had loads of A's for her effort and behaviour in classes showing that she is trying her best and working hard - I could not be more thrilled or proud. A trip to toys r us for a well done present for Faith is definitely in order, she is a little star and deserves a treat.

On Sunday we went to our local cinema who were showing Disney Frozen for just a pound each which is great value. It was just Faith, Darren and myself as Lauren and Chloe had school production rehearsals all day as the show that they are taking part in is next week. So for just £3 we had a great time and Faith loved the film. I must admit that even I enjoyed the film and wept a tear near the end and the music in the film is also really good, I think I will be investing in the soundtrack at some point.

I spent Sunday afternoon doing science experiments with Faith as she is currently very interested in science and saved up for one of those science kit's that have ten experiments inside. I must admit that science was never really one of my strong points but if it involves spending time with Faith doing something that she enjoys then I'm happy having a go.

On Tuesday afternoon it was Faith's parents evening at school. The teacher was completely different to last time we met and this time she was full of praise for Faith saying how well she is now doing and what a delight she is to have in the class. Faith still needs to work on her concentration levels but that will hopefully improve in time but all in all, I could not be happier.

As always I am linking this post to Kate's groovy mums and this week we have some more questions to answer so I will do my best to answer them.

1. Recall a time you were very happy. What were the elements that brought you that happiness? Can you replicate any of them in your life right now?
This is a hard question for me to answer, as I know when I was most happy but I have no idea how to get that back or even if I really want to! You see I was most happy when I was on my social work degree as I was doing something I loved and working towards a job which would provide financial security for my family and we had more money to go out for family trips and holidays. It was hard work but a very happy time for me as I had a plan and I was working towards my goals and everything just seemed right.

Then I became ill with ME and I had to leave my degree half way through the second year and we went from being on a comfortable income to being on benefits and I lost all of my confidence and it has all been down hill from that moment really. I try to look at things in a positive way and think that everything happens for a reason as that is the only way that I can make sense of things and I think that if I had not of gotten ill then I very probably would not of had Faith and she is worth any hardships that I felt back then. I also would not be writing my blog either as I would never of had the time to once I had qualified.

I think that the main point was that I had an achievable plan on what to do with my life to provide for my family and since all of that has passed I am at a complete loss of what to do with myself.

2. What needs to change? I think we often know really but run away from the answer.

This one is easy as I know what needs to change - I do! The problem is, I am not sure how to!

3. What blessings do you have even the ones that wind you up a lot of the time?

My husband and my children are my biggest blessings in life. I am also thankful to have a roof over my head and food in our cupboards. Access to the internet is also a blessing for me as it allows me to express myself in my blogging and to read other blogs and interesting things on the net. I am also blessed with the good health of all of my children, I do not know how I would cope if they had any serious illnesses, it doesn't bare thinking about.

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