Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Wobbles Wednesday - MIA!

I am returning to the AutismMumma's weekly weight loss linky hanging my head in shame as I am been missing in action for a few weeks now! 

I got myself into a muddle with my weight loss efforts as I had arranged to have a week off as I had planned a camping trip with hubby and the kids and I knew that we would be buying lots of treats to take with us which would not bode well with the weight watchers plan. Now as I had planned a lot of walks what I should of done was count what I was planning to have and used the exercise to make extra points and then everything would of been fine but I didn't do that! 

Then the trip got moved at the last minute to the following week so I had messed up a week for nothing and then I took the second week off for the camping trip. Then it was Easter week so I took that week off too and that brings me to now! 

In all of that time I have not counted anything or even tried to be good and I have not weighed either so I have really been sticking my head in the sand! I am returning to weight watchers tomorrow to find out what damage I have done and I will let you all know how I have gotten on next week. 

I did manage to get one positive from the whole experience that I thought that I would share with you all. When we were camping I did a five mile walk on the first day, slept in the tent and then got up the next day and walked another three miles. This is the most I have walked in years since being diagnosed with ME and now I know that I can do these things and I am better so that was a great learning experience for me.

I have also learned how not to handle things when things do not work out as expected as they very quickly spiral out of control so hopefully I have learnt my lesson and there will not be a repeat of this again!

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