Thursday, 10 April 2014

My groovy update 03/04/14 - 09/04/14

This weeks update is not very interesting I'm afraid. I feel a lot better about life in general at the moment which is great.

I gained a pound at weight watchers which was a pain but expected as I had so many treats for Mothers day last week so I'm not going to get down about it.

It is the Easter holidays so all three girls are home from school which is lovely as no rushing around for school runs!

We have been for a family swim this week which was nice although hubby didn't join us as he is not keen on swimming but it was nice for me to spend time with all three girls together as now that Lauren and Chloe are older they are always off with their friends so it makes a nice change for us to all be together!

We were going to go camping on Monday, just for a night, but we had to put it back to the end of the week as Lauren was ill with another virus. It was only about three weeks ago that she had one but the doctor seems to think that it was just one of those things. We were lucky that the campsite were understanding and let us change the date as I thought that we were going to loose our money as we had already paid. We have never been camping as a family apart from last summer when we camped in the back garden to see what it was like so it should be a fun new experience for us all.

Darren has also finally joined our local social club (after five years of me nagging him gentle persuasion!) I am glad as we now have a place we can go in the evenings with the kids if we fancy getting out of the house and they also have events and disco's so it should be easier to have a bit of a social life now!

As always I am linking this post to Kate's groovy mums and this week Kate asks us the following questions.

1. When was the last time you took a break? You probably deserve one. How can you make it happen?
Well that one is happening today as we are going camping. I am really looking forward to the time away from technology and enjoying time together as a family.
2. What are the times in your life when you were really happy? What was making you so and what of that can you replicate now?
Having a plan to follow always makes things better for me and like I have said before that is why I was happier when I was on my social work degree. Hubby and I have discussed this and made a plan for the next few months and I will be adding to the plan as time passes and I already feel much better. Waking with a purpose each day feels fantastic and was something that I had been missing for a long time.

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