Saturday, 4 August 2018

Natural history museum

On a recent trip to London, we decided to visit the Natural History Museum as we had heard so many good things about it. However, I must say that although we did have a nice time we were not as impressed as we had thought that we would be. 

It is very large and there is easily enough to see to last the day but unfortunately, most of the interactive parts were broken which was rather disappointing. FJ didn't seem to mind, she just enjoyed exploring the exhibits as she loves museums and learning new things, but the rest of us were a little disheartened when we would try something and it didn't work. 

FJ particularly enjoyed the dinosaur area and the animal section. We had all been really looking forward to the earthquake simulator which was a bit of a let down as we have experienced more shaking and terror from a crazy house shaker! It is such a shame as it could be made to be so much better, especially with all of the technology available nowadays. 

There is a handy free app which you can download on your phone which we found very useful for navigating around the museum, so if you decide to visit I would definitely recommend downloading it. 

We did still have a lovely day out and FJ really enjoyed herself which was the main thing.

To summarise - the pro's

  • There is a lot to see and learn about, which easily takes up a whole day.
  • It is free entry although they do ask for a donation at the entrance and the exit.
  • Dinosaur fans will love the dinosaur trail.
  • The free app really helps with navigation.

The con's

  • Many of the interactive parts were not working
  • The earthquake simulator was not very good at all.

Have you been to the Natural History Museum lately? What did you think?

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  1. We love the Natural History Museum in London, in fact we love all the museums we've been in London. Some more than others, but they have always been a great learning resource for myself and my family. Like you say, they are a great day out, especially to keep little ones occupied and interested in the world around us. We didn't have any issues with the interactive displays, so maybe it was just a technical hitch during your visit. Hopefully, you would be able to enjoy it fully the next time you decide to visit. #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Yes we did wonder if there was some underlying reason as to why most of the things were not working.

  2. Oh no, how disappointing after you've made a special trip there. I went years ago (teens!) and enjoyed it but I think I'd appreciate it more now. Thanks for linking up #twinklytuesday x
