Wednesday, 1 August 2018

My July movie Reviews

Welcome to my new monthly feature! I am a big movie fan and I have a monthly cinema card so that I can visit my local cinema as many times a month as time will allow so I thought that I would give my thoughts on the films which I have watched each month. However, this is just my opinion so please don't send me angry messages if you watch a movie which I have recommended and you did not actually like it!

Incredibles 2

So this is the second movie in this franchise which first started in 2004, so it has been a long wait for the Incredible fans. I had not personally seen the first movie, but FJ really wanted me to take her to see it. 

The film is animated and is about a family of superheroes. There are the mum, dad and three children, one of whom is a baby who is discovering his powers. There is currently a worldwide ban on superheroes so they are all in hiding. Of course, there is a baddie who the heroes have to defeat, but I do not want to give too much away.

This was an ok movie for me, which did have a few funny moments, but it was really enjoyed by FJ who said it was great.

Swimming with Men

When I went to see this film I actually knew nothing about it. I had been watching another movie and then needed to fill some time before I could get a lift home and it just so happened that this film started at the time that I needed it to, so I thought that I would give it a go. 

I am so glad that I found this film, as it was really lovely to watch. It stars Rob Brydon as a man who is struggling with his roles in life at work and within his family, who uses swimming to unwind. Here he meets a group of men who for a variety of different reasons also use the pool to unwind, but have also created a group of male synchronised swimmers. The underlying theme of the movie is making connections with people and there are some very funny moments along with a few sad ones which in my opinion makes a great feel-good movie. I would highly recommend this movie. 


This was a lovely light-hearted movie, especially for a dog lover like myself! A lady who is not really a fan of pets gets left a pug called Patrick in her grandmother's will and the movie is set around the adjustments that this takes. It really illustrates the bond and many benefits that having a dog can bring to a person along with all of the mischief that they can also bring! 

In conclusion the best film I saw this month was swimming with men. Patrick was a very enjoyable film and Incredibles 2 was ok for me and great for my 10-year-old. 

My Random Musings
Post Comment Love

DIY Daddy


  1. I have yet to see any of these. Swimming with men sounds very interesting.

  2. I love going to the cinema and I'm always looking for honest reviews and opinions rather than listen to film critics, so thank you x #ThatFridayLinky

  3. My daughter watched the Incredibles at the pictures and really enjoyed it. The other films that you reviewed sound very interesting, I especially think we would enjoy Patrick #pocolo

  4. I have seen Swimming with Men advertised and I really fancy watching it. My girls want to see the Incredibles 2. I think a cinema trip will be on the cards soon x

  5. Can't wait to see incredible 2 it looks awesome X #pocolo

  6. I hadn't heard of swimming with men but it sounds like a movie I would enjoy and I very much like Rob Brydon. Thank you for sharing your review with #pocolo and I look forward to seeing you back here later this week

  7. I really want to see Swimming with Men! I have seen trailers and Rob Brydon talking about it - looks good. My teens all loved Incredibles 2!! I have linked this great new feature on my PainPalsBlog reg feature Monday Magic Inspiring Blogs for You, Claire x #PoCoLo
