Monday, 9 July 2018

Introducing Leo

No automatic alt text available.In September 2014 we decided to get a dog as a family pet. We had never had a puppy before but I felt that I would rather have a puppy than an older dog as puppies have not had time to develop any bad habits. I was not worried about getting a pedigree and in fact actually, prefer cross-breads as they look so cute. I knew that I wanted a boy and that I would like the dog to be small. It didn't take very long for me to find the puppy that I felt would be perfect for our family and I was right, as getting Leo was one of the best decisions I ever made! 

No automatic alt text available.Leo is a Jack Russel cross Dash Hound which is also known as a jack-dash. It's amazing how he has his own little personality, just like a child. We started with the best of intentions, but it wasn't long before he had us all wrapped around his little paw! 

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As he has grown we have discovered that he does not like travelling in a car, although he will when we are driving to the dog park, he will wine most of the way there. He loves food, especially treats although after much attempts at training the only command he will do without fail is to 'sit'. 

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Leo is a huge hair shedder which can be frustrating as the house is constantly covered in hair and every time I leave the house I have to use a lint roller to try and remove as much dog hair as possible. He is an angel in the bath and enjoys being brushed. He is a typical 'lap dog' and he likes nothing more than cuddling up on the sofa with a human companion. 

Image may contain: dog, grass, outdoor and nature

Leo does not like playing fetch but he does love the odd game of tug of war. He loves his walks and especially loves his visits to the local dog park which is gated so that dogs can run free while the owners can relax under the knowledge that there is no way that any of the dogs can get out onto the road. 

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Leo quickly won over all of the family and he is a totally pampered pooch who I love with all my heart. He will be four in August and I have loved every minute with him and look forward to all the happy times which we have ahead.

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Image may contain: 1 person

Image may contain: dog

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3 Little Buttons

Brilliant blog posts on

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  1. What a cutie! Great photos. All kids should have a pet and most adults should have one too. #DreamTeam

  2. Oh my word what a cutie! Thanks so much for sharing with #Blogstravaganza xx

  3. What an awesome pooch! You know, I say that dogs are good people! Congrats to you and the fam! Yeah Leo! #dreamteam xoxo
