Thursday, 19 June 2014

Word of the week - Renewed

Since the groovy mums linky finished I have been wondering what to do on Thursdays and how to sum up my weeks so when I discovered that there is a linky over at the reading residence which is called word of the week I happily decided that this would solve my problems so here is my first one.

After having a bug and generally feeling sorry for myself the week before last, I have turned a corner this last week and I feel renewed. My energy levels have been renewed which makes a huge difference and my enthusiasm for life is now also renewed. I have found a great new system for planning my days which I will blog about soon and it has really helped me to get things done and be more organised and feel more together. I am looking forward to the summer and now starting to make lots of plans for summer fun with the kids and I am feeling really positive about the future. 

The Reading Residence


  1. Fab word....I was full of cold and I'm just about over it now....I love it how you feel renewed after being poorly....Very interested to read about your new system x

  2. Was also sick last week and I can say that I feel better but not yet my best. Good thing that you are =) #wotw

    1. It must have been a week for being ill! Hope you are fully recovered soon

  3. Ah. glad that you're feeling so much better then, and your new system sounds very interesting. Glad that you found the linky and lovely to have you joining in with #WotW x

    1. Thanks hun, been a full on week so not joined in this week as not really had the time to blog this week but will be back again next week xx

  4. I need some help to keep organised!! Glad you're feeling better too #WotW
