I was harshly judged by a lot of people, as to them I was a 17 year old with a baby and another on the way, but I knew that I wanted another baby to complete my family and I was very happy with my life so I didn't care what other people thought.
My pregnancy went well although I found it more tiring towards the end, as of course I didn't have much time to rest as I had Lauren to look after. I also found that Darren was less supportive the second time, as if now it's already been done, I should just get on with it. I also found doctors and midwifes to have the same attitude which was a little disappointing, as I still could have done with some support. I wasn't offered any antenatal classes either which was a shame as I missed out on meeting other mums.
I reached my due date and there was no sign of baby and I thought to myself here we go again! I had written a birth plan and had it packed in my hospital bag ready to go, although this time my birth plan was much more relaxed then the previous one as my last one didn't go to plan at all.
I woke up in the early hours of the tenth day over due with contractions which was actually really scary as I had not experienced any of this last time as I was in hospital right from the start. I woke Darren up and told him that I thought that I was in labour and that I was going to have a bath to see if it would help ease the pain and he said OK and then went back to sleep!! A couple of hours later and the pain was getting stronger so I woke Darren up again and this time managed to get him up and awake. We phoned the hospital to tell them that I was in labour and they said to stay at home until the contractions were so many minutes apart or until I needed help with the pain. I only managed about another hour at home before telling Darren to take me to the hospital.
When we arrived at hospital I told them that I wanted an epidural as I had one before and it took all the pain away so I thought that would be the best thing to do and they said that they would send for an anaesthetist. Unbeknown to be at the time, there had been a serious road accident so the anaesthetist was held up with that. When the anaesthetist did finally arrive he was then about to insert the needle into my back when I got the urge to push. The nurse told me not to be silly as it wasn't time to push, but then after having a look said that I was actually right and it was time to push so no time for the epidural after all.
I was shocked by the pain as like I said, last time I didn't feel anything and I had not prepared myself for such pain this time round. It was made worse by one of the nurses telling me that I was making my baby distressed and that if I didn't clam down I would loose the baby!
At 1:08pm on May 30th 1999 my beautiful baby girl was born, weighing 8lb 6ozs. We called her Chloe May, I choose her first name as I really liked the name and we gave her the middle name of May after my Nana and my sister that also have May as a middle name. I was so pleased to have another little girl and she was so gorgeous, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have two perfect little girls.
I got to hold her straight away as this time I didn't hemorrhage which was a wonderful experience, giving Chloe her first bottle. I had visitors come in to see us just a few hours after giving birth which I could of done without if I'm honest and after they had left and Darren had gone home to look after Lauren I crashed out.

After ten days Chloe was well enough to come home and be properly introduced to her big sister Lauren who was so excited to finally be able to hold Chloe with my help of course!
This was all 15 years ago, it is crazy how quickly the time flies by! I was so proud when Chloe, my little May flower was born, thinking how lucky I was to have such a precious baby girl and that pride has grown every year as Chloe has grown into a beautiful strong confident 15 year old that I love with all my heart.
To read the birth story of Lauren click here.
What a lovely blog post. My heart nearly stopped when I got to the bit about the cot being empty. That has to be every mum's worst nightmare. You poor thing! But you have a very beautiful daughter now who must be very proud of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Vicki for your lovely kind words :-)
DeleteWhat a lovely birth story. Giving birth does hurt, doesn't it? Funny how you completely forget about the pain and manage to go through it more than once... Mel #SharewithMe
ReplyDeleteIt sure does, but your right, as soon as we get to hold our babies we quickly forget the pain :-)
DeleteWOW WOW is all I can say. What a beautiful story of life, love and famliy. So amazing, what a blessing babies can be no matter what age you were. She has turned into a beautiful young lady. Be so proud momma. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteThank you Jenny for your lovely comments and I am a very proud mum :-)
Deleteaww that is a lovely story (not the pain bit-you know what I mean). I think child birth is the most amazing thing and testimony to the amazingness of it is how women remember it, very clearly, for the rest of their lives. #ShareWithMe
ReplyDeleteThank you Emma :-)
DeleteI didnt breathe till the end. Birth stories are always nice to read as it all different! Thank your for sharing your story =) #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if you meant it, but I got worried reading through that!! Such a lovely story, and I can't believe you had two so young (I was 24 when my second came along and I thought that I was young!). Thanks for linking up again #FamilyFriday
ReplyDeleteHaha, no intent! Thanks Danny :-)