I have no idea where the last 17 years have gone, it is crazy! But what I do know is how proud I am of my beautiful, clever, sweet young lady - my oldest baby who will always be my little girl in my eyes, no matter how old she gets.
Every year I buy the kids a new outfit to wear on their birthday - here is LJ looking stunning in her new outfit.
I have now finished my first semester at uni and have ten days off before it's time to go back and start semester two. It has been a manic few months but I did it all, just hope I pass! I was not sure if I should post about this as I am not sure how interesting people will find it, but then my blog has always been about my efforts to improve my life for myself and my family and this is a big part of that so here goes!
I thought that it would be a good time for some shameless self promotion! No, seriously, I thought it would be nice to remind my readers of the most read posts of last year and show the posts to any new readers who might enjoy them.
If you have not heard of gratitude jars before, a simple search on pinterest will bring up hundreds of examples. The basic idea is that each day that something lovely happens you write it down on a piece of paper and add it to your jar throughout the year and then at the end of the year you and your family can read them all out and reminisce about all the great things that you have been thankful for during the year.