Friday, 16 May 2014

The prompt - Surprises!

mumturnedmomThe Prompt from the lovely Mumturnedmom for this week is an emotion and it is:


Being a parent, life is often full of surprises! Life with children is often unpredictable and I have been surprised by so many things over the years. 

The biggest surprise that I had was when I was pregnant with my first baby. I was so surprised at the instant love that I felt for Lauren when she was born. I was very young and I had no idea what to expect and I had been worrying about bonding with my baby, after reading about such things in the hundreds of parenting magazines and books that I had armed myself with, in preparation for babies arrival. I had a very long and complicated labor and when they handed her to me I looked down at her little squashed up face and it was as if time had stopped and all the pain and panic from before had instantly disappeared. 

My heart felt like it would burst from the love and pride I felt for being the mummy of such a beautiful, precious little girl. I knew in that moment what unconditional love really meant and I knew that no matter what life would throw at us, I would always be there for Lauren and never give up on her. Nothing would ever break that love. I should probably add here that I felt the same love for my other two children as well, but I was not surprised by it, as I had already experienced it with Lauren.

Another big surprise that I had was finding out that my third baby was another girl. I really wanted to have another girl as I had two already and I knew what life as a mother to girls was like, the thought of having a boy really scared me as I felt that I would not know what to do. I was getting myself into a right panic as everyone kept telling me that after two girls, I was bound to have a boy next, due to the law of averages. 

When we went to the scan I felt that I needed to find out what the sex of the baby would be, we didn't find out with our other two so they were lovely surprises as well when they handed the babies to us and told us we had daughters. When the lady told us that we were having another little girl I was so surprised as I had really been preparing myself for a little boy. I burst into tears of happiness and I felt so excited to meet her. We picked Faiths name a week or so later so that I could talk to her as Faith, rather then baby or bump and when she finally arrived, five days late, and they handed her to me it was absolutely amazing.

I could write pages and pages of the little things that have surprised me over the years, being a mum to three girls life is never boring. I guess that is one of the great things about children, you never know what they are going to do or say next and they are all so different.


  1. This is a lovely post Denise, the way you write about Lauren's birth is just beautiful. It is an incredible feeling, isn't it, and yes, surprising in it's intensity. Thank you so much for linking to #ThePrompt x

  2. What a beautiful post Denise. Your love for your three girls really shines through what you've written #ThePrompt

  3. Such a surge of unexpected love Denise! I was worried about what to do with boys too as I have a sister and my sister has two girls, but now I've got two boys - I'm dealing with it! :-) would have liked a girl though X #theprompt

    1. Yeah, I'm sure if I had of had a boy I would of been fine but I always fear the unknown, that's why I'm such a planner! Thanks for commenting :-)
