Monday, 3 February 2014

What Valentines day means to me.

We are now only eleven days away from Valentines day so I thought that I would share with you my thoughts on what Valentines day means to me. It is a holiday or celebration that probably receives the most criticism and cynicism each year and I have to be honest it does annoy me when I hear people moaning about it.

To me it is a chance to show the people that you love the most (in my case my husband and my children) how much you care and how loved they are. It is a chance to do activities with the children that are themed around hearts and love which is always so much fun. It is a chance to cook heart shaped pancakes and make heart shaped sandwiches. It is an opportunity to spread a little love and joy so why is that such a bad thing?

The main arguments that I hear at this time of year is how over commercialised it is. The thing is, it is up to each individual as to if they want to spend a lot, a little or nothing at all. You can still join in with celebrating without spending loads of money if you use your imagination. You can make a card from things you already have at home. You can cook a romantic meal at home rather then go out to a fancy restaurant. You could bake cakes, cookies or make home made chocolates. You could give your loved ones the gift of your time, give your partner a massage, do their chores for a week so that they can relax, go for a romantic picnic (weather permitting) or stage an indoor picnic with loads of candles and cushions at night.

If you have the money and you would like to push the boat out to show your love and appreciation to your partner then why not? The choice is yours and the main point is the thoughts behind the cards and gifts.

Of course the other argument is that you should always show your loved ones how much you care and you shouldn't need one day each year to make that happen. Well, my answer to that is I completely agree that in a perfect world we would all make more effort to do such things but in all honesty, when faced with the busyness of living life, when battling with weight, sleepless nights, bills, debts, chores, jobs, toddler tantrums and teen melt downs we can easily forget to show our partners how much we love them as after all we are only human.

So that is why I love and celebrate Valentines day each year. What do you think?


  1. I think all occassions are over commercialised nowadays. We celebrate it but it's just an excuse to have a special meal together, just the two of us. It is nice to have that special time, as you say most days are filled with busy, everyday things.x

    1. Yeah Valentines day will be our first date night of the year so I'm really looking forward to it. Thanks for commenting :-) xx

  2. I agree with what you say really, Think its up to you individually what you do :) x

  3. aww I love this post I completely agree that every day life gets in the way of relationships sometimes I am glad you can enjoy having some special time together its romantic xx

  4. I love Valentines Day and we sort of have a double celebration as we have been together 3 years tomorrow :) We don't go OTT but we have a special meal - although this year we are at a ball as my OH is the lead singer of a band and they are playing - means I will have him serenading me in a room full of people! Thank you for linking to PoCoLo x

  5. Totally agree, obviously we should show our love all year round - but in the real world life easily gets in the way of all that lovey dovey stuff. Xx

  6. We've always kept our celebrations very low key. My husband doesn't 'do' flowers anyway (such a pity that I absolutely love them!), and we don't get cards. But we do try and have a nice meal in together. Something a little special - home cooked or a treat from the shops. Sadly, this year, with hubby living in Dubai, its just going to be Potato and I. I think I'm going to have a nice relaxing bath!

    1. Awww, sorry to hear that your apart from your hubby. You should treat yourself to some flowers!
