Friday, 20 December 2013

Listography - Top 5 personal achievements of 2013.

This weeks Listography is back with the lovely Kate and I was a bit unsure as to if I should take part in this one as in all honestly 2013 has not been a particularly great year for myself and my family, but then I thought that I must be able to think of five things that I am proud of although they will not be nearly as exciting as the lists that I have been reading from fellow bloggers that have already posted their lists!!
My top 5 personal achievements of 2013.
1) Starting my blog. Even though I had a break in the middle where I was unwell, I am proud that I came back and continued blogging as I do really enjoy it and it will be a nice reminder of life when I am old and grey.
2) Getting a family car. This may seem silly to some but a couple of years ago we decided to get rid of the family car as we thought that living in a town we would not need one and we were struggling to keep up with the costs of running a car. That was the biggest mistake we have ever made as it was absolutely horrible not having a car and we felt so isolated. Last year when I wrote my new years resolutions one of my goals was for us to buy a family car and get our family back on the road and in April this year we did.
3) I have finally thought of a business idea that my husband and I can start together and we are hoping to be up and running by next Summer. Being ill my husband and I have always thought that if we could think of a business that we could run together it would solve a lot of our problems as if I am unwell I can work from home or rest at home and he could manage without me whereas if I am employed by someone I can not phone in sick whenever I'm unwell as my illness varies so much I would soon get fired. Anyway after many years of thinking up ideas and then realising that they are not viable we are now very excited to start 2014 and are both hoping that it will be a brighter year then the past few.
4) Winning an ipad. Not really an achievement but something that I am proud of as I entered a lot of competitions in order to win one!
5) Not gaining any more weight! I may not have lost any like I had hoped but at least I am no heavier then I was this time last year and it is probably the first time in a long time that I have managed to go through a year and not get any bigger so at least I am making progress!
So there you have it, my list may not be as exciting as some and I may not have achieved as much as I would of liked but after the year we have had I will be grateful for small mercies! Hopefully this time next year my list will be much more exciting!


  1. You can always find a bit of positivity when you look closely enough! I hope you have a healthy and happy 2014. x

    1. Thank you :-) I hope that you have a fantastic Christmas and a brilliant new year! xx

  2. Not bad for a year that you thought wasn't great! I would love to win something but an ipad is a really good prize, I am always entering competitions so now you've given me a bit of encouragement to keep going. Good luck with your new business, here's to a happy 2014!

    1. Thank you Joanna and I'm glad that I've inspired you to carry on comping! Have a good Christmas and a fantastic new year!
