Welcome to this months idea list. There is a different task for each day of the month and then at the end of the month there will be a new list. You are free to follow the plan to the letter, or just pick and choose the idea's that you like. I hope that you find this fun and helpful and as always I welcome your feedback, good or bad, I'm always happy to hear from you.
January 1st - Happy new year!! I hope that 2014 brings you and your family lot's of love, luck and happiness. Enjoy celebrating the new year with your loved ones.
January 2nd - Get the children to write thank you cards for their Christmas presents if they have not already done so.
January 3rd - Go through your fridge, freezer and food cupboards and write down what you have left over from Christmas. Then make a meal plan that uses up what you have to reduce your food costs this month.
January 4th - Reconnect with an old friend that you have lost touch with or think of ways that you can make a new friend.
January 5th - Make sure all the new toys and gifts from Christmas have been put away so that everything has a place and there is a place for everything. Don't put it all in a box to sort another time or you may find yourself finding the box of unused toys and gifts years later and that would be such a waste.
January 6th - Today is the traditional day to take down the Christmas decorations. Pack yours away and make sure you write an inventory which you can stick on either the outside of the box or the inside lid of the box for better protection of the list. The super organised will write two, one for the box and one to add to the family planner.
January 7th - Make sure you have a family calendar up where everyone can see.
January 8th - Paint your nails or try something different with your make-up. Looking good on the outside often makes us feel good inside and will be the perfect pick me up for the after Christmas lull.
January 9th - Clean out your handbag and purse.
January 10th - Tie a damp cloth over the end of a long handled broom with an elastic band and get rid of all the cobwebs that are hiding on the ceilings and corners of each room in the house.
January 11th - Clean the inside of you fridge and freezer today. Remove all the food so that you can get inside the draws and give it all a really good clean.
January 12th - Do something fun with the kids. If the weather permits you could wrap up warm with a flask of hot chocolate and take a trip to the park. If it's raining you could go somewhere like the cinema or stay home but play some games and have some fun.
January 13th - Do something nice for your partner, just because you love them!
January 14th - Go through all your paper work and home filing system and shred anything that you no longer need.
January 15th - Pick any room in your house and clean the skirting boards in that room. It's surprising how dirty they can get and they are often over looked when doing general cleaning.
January 16th - Treat yourself to a magazine, a lipstick or something else that is low cost but will make you smile.
January 17th - Take a walk around your home with a box or bag and place into the box or bag any items you find that do not belong in the room your in. Put the bag or box somewhere safe until tomorrow.
January 18th - Take the box or bag of homeless items from yesterday and put them all back where they should be. If something does not have a place to go, find somewhere for it or if it is something that you no longer want or need either sell, donate or dispose of it depending on what it is.
January 19th - Have a pyjama day. Cuddle up and watch movies and read books and have some treats.
January 20th -Go through all your c.ds or d.v.ds and make sure that the right disk is in the right case.
January 21st - Go through your underwear draw and get rid of any old tatty items writing a list of any new items needed to pick up from the shops the next time your out shopping.
January 22nd - Clean your shoes and get the rest of the household to clean theirs, helping small children of course!
January 23rd - Watch a comedy to make you laugh and brighten your day.
January 24th - Wash all your net curtains today.
January 25th - Clean your computer or laptop keypad today. There are lot's of different opinions on the best way to do this so my advice is to do an internet search and make your own decision.
January 26th - Surprise your family with a special breakfast to start the day on a positive note.
January 27th - Sort through your cosmetics and discard anything that has seen better days or that you never use to make your make-up area less cluttered.
January 28th - Descale your kettle and clean the outside.
January 29th - Put on one of your favourite c.ds and spend ten minutes dancing and singing along to warm you up, get your blood pumping and make you smile.
January 30th - Clean all the radiators in your home.
January 31st - Set out some craft supplies or paints and have a family art session.